...(Henry's) Mastermind Community is filled with people with good hearts and tons of experience who are happy to help. As a collective, this group ranges from the most inexperienced newbie to leaders in the field and everyone maintains a humble, kind, positive and encouraging energy. Henry is as genuine as they come. Since joining, my fears about investing have been allayed. I've gained the certainty that with hard work, knowledge, and a whole community of folks and a great mentor behind you, it can and will be done. The dream is coming true!

Claudia D.

Joining the Henry’s mastermind has been a game-changer for my career. The collective wisdom, networking opportunities, and actionable strategies I’ve gained from this group are unparalleled.

Henry, the coaches, and many investors in the group have given me a confidence that no podcast or book could give. There is not a question I’ve had that hasn’t been answered. There is so much value in this mastermind. I wish I would have joined sooner!

Scott R.

I followed Henry on IG for a while trying to figure out how I could build a business on the same principles and values he has. When I saw his Closing Table Mastermind I had to look into it. My wife was not happy with me for joining, but I promised it would be worth it. She now loves Henry as much as I do! The community, the camaraderie, the access to people one step ahead of you … the only thing you have to do is take action!

Daren L.


The Closing Table Mastermind came out of my own panic attack at 3am over not making enough money to provide my wife with the life she deserved.


90 days later, I completed my first deal with little of my own money. I was so overcome with a sense of responsibility because I knew I found what will change my financial future forever, and I was led there because I was supposed to share it.


So now I walk my students through finding and funding their first or next real estate deal, because those are the 2 main barriers to growing a real estate business and achieving financial freedom.


So That You Can

We are focused on helping people build wealth through real estate, not just to make money, but "So that they can" do the things they are called to do, not just what they have to do to earn a paycheck.

People First!

Here we never lose site that there are people's homes on the other end of real estate transactions, and we are focused on being of service to communities, not just making money off of communities.

All of My Resources

My students have access to the full CTM curriculum, as well as documents that I use in my business. All of my courses are available and every recorded call from the last two years.

Member Leadership

Students who have found success in this program have stepped up to lead via weekly calls and accountability groups.

Inspiring Action

This curriculum, mentorship and community all lead you to take action. Nothing worth having is easy, but it gets a whole lot easier when you have a community to cheer you on.

Every Level

Many of my students have purchased their first deal after joining us, but we also have experienced investors who are focusing on scaling.


Surround yourself with a community of active, high-level investors and members. When you become a part of the Closing Table Mastermind community, you gain access to insight and support from a group of experienced, servant hearted investors.


REalife 2024

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